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Jordan Map & Sites

Less than 2 kms east of the Jordan River is an important place associated with the lives of Jesus and John the Baptist (pbut), the settlement of Bethany, where John lived and baptized. John 1:28 refer to it as "Bethany beyond the Jordan, where John was baptizing". In John 10:40 it is mentioned as the place to which Jesus (pbuh) fled for safety after being threatened with stoning in Jerusalem: "Then Jesus went back across the Jordan to the place where John had been baptizing in the early days".

This settlement beyond the Bethany has recently been identified on the south bank of the small perennials stream named Wadi Kharrar, just east of the Jordan River and opposite Jericho. It is being excavated, protected, and made accessible for visitors.

The small natural hill forming the core of Bethany is called Elijah's Hill, or Tell Mar Elias in Arabic. Local tradition for thousands of years has identified it as the place from where Elijah (pbuh) ascended to heaven.

Bethany's ancient remains include structures from the 1st century settlement of John the Baptist (pbuh), including large plastered pools with steps for full immersion, and the 5th-6th century remains of the Byzantine period settlement called Ainon or Saphsaphas and depicted on the 6th century Madaba Mosaic Map of the Holy Land.

When Jesus (pbuh) spent 40 days in the wilderness after his baptism (Mark 1:12), he had been in the stark, desolate marl area immediately east of Jordan River and north of Bethany. He spread his message throughout Transjordan on several different occasions, including during his last journey from Galilee to Jerusalem (Matthew 19).

Map & Sites
Dead Sea
The Decapolis
Desert Castles
The King's Highway
Mount Nebo
Pella (Tabaqat Fahl)
Umm Al-Jimal
Umm Arrasas
Umm Qais (Gadara)
Wadi Rum
Hotels in Jordan
Hotels in Amman
Hotels in Aqaba
Hotels in Petra
Hotels in Other Cities
Hotels in Dead Sea
Hotels in Wadi Rum
Tourist Information
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Entry Requirements
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Museums in Amman
Other Jordanian Museums
Suggested Programs
Islamic Jordan
Islamic Amman
Islamic Mount Nebo
Islamic Kerak
Islamic Dead Sea
Jordan Valley
Islamic Salt
Islamic Ajloun
Islamic Irbid
Northern Jordan
Desert Castles
Biblical Jordan
Retracing Biblical History
The Patriarchs in Jordan
Jacob and Esau
Moses and the Exodus
Exodus Stations in Jordan
After the Exodus
Elijah and Elisha
New Testament Events
John and Jesus
The Decapolis in Jordan
Early Churches
Eco Jordan
Mujib Wildlife Reserve
Dana Nature Reserve
Shaumari Nature Reserve
Wadi Rum Flora and Fauna
Ajloun Woodland Reserve
Azraq Wetland Reserve
Aqaba Marine Life
Bethany Ecosystem
Bird Watching
Guidelines for Visitors