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Jordan Islamic Jordan
   Islamic Mount Nebo   

A 10-minute drive from Madaba brings you to Mount Nebo, one of the most revered sites in Jordan. Here you have a magnificent view of the Dead Sea, a panorama of mountains, and the crowning heights of Jerusalem are visible in the distance. On the summit of Mount Nebo, you stand where the Prophet Musa 'Moses'  looked over the Jordan River towards Palestine.

Mount Nebo also became his final resting place after leading his people from Egypt across the Sinai Desert towards the Promised Land. Allah  spoke directly to Moses  who then gave his people the divinely revealed laws.

It is generally acknowledged that Prophet Moses  was buried on Mount Nebo, although there is no actual tomb marking the spot. The Holy Qur'an describes in detail the life and mission of Prophet Moses . In fact, Prophet Moses is the most mentioned prophet in the Holy Qur'an.

In need of water, Prophet Moses  struck a rock with his staff and 12 springs emerged. Named Uyun Musa (Moses' springs) which are located near Madaba. Also near Madaba overlooking Wadi Mujib is the village of Shaqiq. In Shaqiq, the tomb of the venerable companion Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari  is marked by lined up stones. Recognized for his veracity and generosity, Abu Dharr  was among the first companions to follow Islam and a strong advocate of wealth distribution.

The Prophet Yahya 'John the Baptist'  was the son of the Prophet Zakariyyah 'Zacharia'  and continued his father's work of preaching the word of Allah . The pious and virtuous John  lived, preached and baptized in the settlement of Bethany in the Jordan Valley.

John the Baptist  also baptized Prophet Issa 'Jesus Christ' , at Bethany and often accompanied Jesus Christ  whenever he preached. He became a prophet and an apostle when Allah  addressed him saying: "O Yahya! take hold of the Book with might" [Sura 19, verse 12]. Herodias, who married her husband's brother King Herod, instigated John's  beheading in King Herod's Citadel at Mukawir. John the Baptist's head was sent to Damascus, while his body remained in Mukawir.

Map & Sites
Dead Sea
The Decapolis
Desert Castles
The King's Highway
Mount Nebo
Pella (Tabaqat Fahl)
Umm Al-Jimal
Umm Arrasas
Umm Qais (Gadara)
Wadi Rum
Hotels in Jordan
Hotels in Amman
Hotels in Aqaba
Hotels in Petra
Hotels in Other Cities
Hotels in Dead Sea
Hotels in Wadi Rum
Tourist Information
Business Hours
Entry Requirements
Currency & Exchange
Tourist Information Offices
Emergency Phone Numbers
Evening Entertainment
Food & Beverage
Museums in Amman
Other Jordanian Museums
Suggested Programs
Islamic Jordan
Islamic Amman
Islamic Mount Nebo
Islamic Kerak
Islamic Dead Sea
Jordan Valley
Islamic Salt
Islamic Ajloun
Islamic Irbid
Northern Jordan
Desert Castles
Biblical Jordan
Retracing Biblical History
The Patriarchs in Jordan
Jacob and Esau
Moses and the Exodus
Exodus Stations in Jordan
After the Exodus
Elijah and Elisha
New Testament Events
John and Jesus
The Decapolis in Jordan
Early Churches
Eco Jordan
Mujib Wildlife Reserve
Dana Nature Reserve
Shaumari Nature Reserve
Wadi Rum Flora and Fauna
Ajloun Woodland Reserve
Azraq Wetland Reserve
Aqaba Marine Life
Bethany Ecosystem
Bird Watching
Guidelines for Visitors