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Jordan Map & Sites
   Mount Nebo   
 The Old Diaconicon Baptistery
 The 5th-7th Century Basilica
 The New Diaconicon
 The Theotokos Chapel

Drive along the same route prophet Moses (pbuh) was forbidden to travel on by the King of Edom (Numbers 20), and picture yourself standing where Moses was laid to rest, and where the late Pope John Paul II tread on his first pilgrimage of the millennium.

Visit the Sanctuary at Nebo: the memorial of Moses (pbuh), the presumed site of his death and burial place, and a center for pilgrimages since earliest Christian times. You'll be inspired by the biblical feel from start to finish as you experience this divine tour.

Mount Nebo is one of the most revered holy sites of Jordan, located 10 km west of the Roman Byzantine town of Madaba, for this is where Moses (pbuh) was buried. The site's association with the last days of Moses is described in moving words in Deuteromony (34:1-7). The episode of Balak and Balam (2:13-26) also took place here.

The site's other name is Pisgah: "And Moses went up from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo, to the top of Pisgah which is opposite Jericho". From the mountaintop, which is the highest point in the Moabite range, rising to about 800 meters at its apex, you can admire the dazzling view across the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea, to the rooftops of Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

Centuries ago, pilgrims flocked to Mount Nebo on their final destination to visit the sanctuary. These pilgrims left behind vivid accounts of their travels, which helped archaeologists identify this sanctuary.

In the summer of 1933, excavations at Syagha, one of the highest peaks at Nebo, began under the direction of the Jerusalemite Franciscan Fathers. Three long archaeological campaigns had previously resulted in the discovery of the Basilica and of a large monastery, which had continued to expand through the 6th century.

Mount Nebo's first church was constructed in the 2nd half of the 4th century to commemorate the place of Moses' death. It had three apses and was preceded by a vestibule paved with plain white mosaic; two funeral chapels stood to the north and south of the lateral apses.

Six tombs have been found hollowed from the natural rock beneath the mosaic-covered floor of the church. In the present presbytery you can see remnants of mosaic floors from different periods. The earliest of these is a panel with a braided cross presently placed on the east end of the south wall.

Map & Sites
Dead Sea
The Decapolis
Desert Castles
The King's Highway
Mount Nebo
Pella (Tabaqat Fahl)
Umm Al-Jimal
Umm Arrasas
Umm Qais (Gadara)
Wadi Rum
Hotels in Jordan
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Hotels in Aqaba
Hotels in Petra
Hotels in Other Cities
Hotels in Dead Sea
Hotels in Wadi Rum
Tourist Information
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Islamic Jordan
Islamic Amman
Islamic Mount Nebo
Islamic Kerak
Islamic Dead Sea
Jordan Valley
Islamic Salt
Islamic Ajloun
Islamic Irbid
Northern Jordan
Desert Castles
Biblical Jordan
Retracing Biblical History
The Patriarchs in Jordan
Jacob and Esau
Moses and the Exodus
Exodus Stations in Jordan
After the Exodus
Elijah and Elisha
New Testament Events
John and Jesus
The Decapolis in Jordan
Early Churches
Eco Jordan
Mujib Wildlife Reserve
Dana Nature Reserve
Shaumari Nature Reserve
Wadi Rum Flora and Fauna
Ajloun Woodland Reserve
Azraq Wetland Reserve
Aqaba Marine Life
Bethany Ecosystem
Bird Watching
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