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Jordan Museums
   Museums in Amman   

Jordan Archaeological Museum

A small museum located at the Citadel that houses an excellent collection of antiquities ranging from prehistoric times to the 15th Century. Four exhibits are particularly worth viewing:

- A collection of Dead Sea Scrolls found in 1952; one tells of treasure hidden on the west bank of the Jordan River.
- The Neolithic limestone statues of Ain Ghazal, which are linked to advances in pro-technology.
- A copy of the Mesha Stele or Moabite Stone, proudly erected by the Moabite King Mesha in 850 BC to celebrate his numerous victories over the Israelites.
- Four rare Iron-Age anthropomorphic sarcophagi of striking cocoon-like design, which give an insight into ancient burial practices.
Hours 9:00 - 17:00 in winter, 9:00 - 19:00 in summer, except on Fridays and official holidays 10:00 - 18:00

Jordan Museum of Popular Tradition

At the other end of the Roman Amphitheater stage, this museum displays the traditional costumes of Jordan's people, including lovely embroidery and beautiful antique jewelry, as well as domestic utensils. It also houses a collection of mosaics from Madaba and other Byzantine churches in Jordan.
Hours 9:00 - 17:00

Jordan Folklore Museum

At one end of the Roman Amphitheater, this fascinating museum presents a recreation of traditional Jordanian life, including costumes, home furnishings, musical instruments and handicrafts dating back to the 19th century.

See a Bedouin goat-hair tent with rug-weaving and household equipment, and replicas of typical domestic interiors.
Hours 9:00 - 17:00

Museums at the University of Jordan

The University of Jordan has several small museums of various subjects, including archaeology (excellent antiquities from the Bronze Age to the Islamic period), anthropology, folklore and medicine/biology.
Hours Sun-Thu 8:00 - 17:00

Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts

Located at Al-Muntazah in Jabal Al-Lewaibdeh. A fine collection of paintings, sculptures, and ceramics by contemporary Jordanian and Arab artists, as well as work by artists of other Muslim countries.
Hours 10:00 - 13:30 and 15:00 - 18:00, closed Tuesdays

Martyr's Memorial

The monumental building located at Sports City houses a chronological display of military history and memorabilia since the Great Arab Revolt of 1916 to the present.
Hours 9:00 - 16:00

Map & Sites
Dead Sea
The Decapolis
Desert Castles
The King's Highway
Mount Nebo
Pella (Tabaqat Fahl)
Umm Al-Jimal
Umm Arrasas
Umm Qais (Gadara)
Wadi Rum
Hotels in Jordan
Hotels in Amman
Hotels in Aqaba
Hotels in Petra
Hotels in Other Cities
Hotels in Dead Sea
Hotels in Wadi Rum
Tourist Information
Business Hours
Entry Requirements
Currency & Exchange
Tourist Information Offices
Emergency Phone Numbers
Evening Entertainment
Food & Beverage
Museums in Amman
Other Jordanian Museums
Suggested Programs
Islamic Jordan
Islamic Amman
Islamic Mount Nebo
Islamic Kerak
Islamic Dead Sea
Jordan Valley
Islamic Salt
Islamic Ajloun
Islamic Irbid
Northern Jordan
Desert Castles
Biblical Jordan
Retracing Biblical History
The Patriarchs in Jordan
Jacob and Esau
Moses and the Exodus
Exodus Stations in Jordan
After the Exodus
Elijah and Elisha
New Testament Events
John and Jesus
The Decapolis in Jordan
Early Churches
Eco Jordan
Mujib Wildlife Reserve
Dana Nature Reserve
Shaumari Nature Reserve
Wadi Rum Flora and Fauna
Ajloun Woodland Reserve
Azraq Wetland Reserve
Aqaba Marine Life
Bethany Ecosystem
Bird Watching
Guidelines for Visitors