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The Red Sea is a haven for divers because it has the ideal conditions in which corals grow. As well as having a high water temperature, the waters are so clear that sunlight is able to penetrate to great depths. All along the Sinai cost you will find excellent scuba diving, and Nuweiba is no exception.

This town lies either side of the Watir Valley delta about 91 km north of Sharm El-Sheikh, and consists of the Muzeina Bedouin fishing village to the south and the Tarabin Bedouin and tourist villages to the north, both separated by an 18th century Turkish citadel.

Besides the diving, you will also find camel and jeep adventurers. The Colored Canyon is nearby, and a little beyond is the oasis of El-Furtaga Spring.

Be sure to take the road between Nuweiba and Taba if you like beautiful scenery. Nuweiba also has a daily ferry service to the Jordanian port of Aqaba.

Tourist Information
Mount Moses
St. Catherines Monastery
Wadi Feiran
Sharm El-Sheikh
Sinai Mount
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