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Иордания Исламская Иордания

Jordan is a young country full of natural wonders - graced with sites, shrines and tombs of prophets and companions from the dawn of the Islamic faith. We, at Venus Tours & Travel Agency, invite you to explore our unique heritage as a welcomed and respected guest.

Geographically Jordan has always been a critical land bridge between Africa, Asia and Europe. Its neighbors, the great civilizations of the ancient world, have sought throughout time the control of this territory. Due to its strategic location and mild climate, Jordan has been constantly settled throughout every single period of history since 9500 BC. The multitude of civilizations in Jordan left distinct marks behind, turning it into an open museum, evidence for the rich heritage that Jordan enjoys today.

For Muslims, Jordan is a blessed landscape marked with many holy shrines and tombs. Visiting these sites is approved behavior in Islam for both men and women. Here the faithful will learn, better understand and enhance their faith.

Jordan has been graced with a rich religious history. Located between Mecca, the holiest place on earth for Muslims, and Jerusalem, which is sacred to each of the 3 great monotheistic religions; Jordan has played a central role in history of Ahl Ul-Kitab (People of the Book: Jews and Christians). Many early Abrahamic prophets mentioned in the Old Testament, Bible and Holy Qur'an are associated with Jordan; they lived in or at least traveled through its land.

It is generally agreed that the land of modern Jordan forms part of the blessed "neighborhood" mentioned in the Holy Qur'an [Sura 17, verse 1]: "Glorified be he who carried His servant by night from the Inviolable Place of Worship (Mecca) to the far Distant Place of Worship (Jerusalem) the neighborhood whereof We have blessed, that We might show him of Our tokens. Lo! He, only He, is the Hearer, the Seeth".

Furthermore, the night before the plot to assassinate Prophet Mohammad  in Mecca before the Hijra, Abu Jahl is known to have said: "Mohammad promises you gardens like the gardens of Al-Urdun (Jordan)". The Prophet  mentioned Amman in comparison to heaven, when he said: "My Pool (in Heaven) stretches for the distance (like that) which is between Aden and Amman of Al-Balqa". To this day Al-Balqa remains one of the 12 governorates of Jordan.

Twice the land of Jordan played a part in the life of Prophet Mohammad . First around the time of his birth, at Umm Arrasas which lies South East of Madaba, the Hanif Zeid ibn Amr ibn Nufayl from Mecca is said to have heard a prediction that a Prophet would arise among his people with the religion of Abraham . Then during Prophet Mohammad's  and his uncle Abu Talib's  caravan journeys, between Mecca and Damascus, at the caravan stop 'Bosra Assham' the famous childhood encounter with the Monk Bahira occurred. It is also here that the Prophet , with his venerable companion Maysarah , encountered the Monk Nestor. In addition, on his journey to Syria, he is said to have taken shelter underneath a tree, which is to this day located near Safawi in Al-Mafraq.

Islam's first expansion beyond the Arabian Peninsula was northwards, into Jordan. Here the first contact between Islam and the non-Arab/Byzantine world occurred. Consequently, several strategic 7th century battles took place: the Battles of Mutah, Yarmouk and Fahl (Pella). Many of Prophet Mohammad's companions and military leaders  were martyred and buried in Jordan, and their tombs and shrines today are important destinations for pious Muslims.

Карта и Туристические объекты
Мертвое море
Замки пустыни
Царский Путь
Гора Нево
Пелла (Табакат Фахль)
Умм Аль-Джималь
Умм Аррассас
Умм Кайс (Гадара)
Вади Рам
Отели в Иордании
Отели в Аммане
Отели в Акабе
Отели Петры
Отели в других городах
Отели на Мертвом море
Отели в Вади Раме
Информация для туристов
Рабочие часы
Обмен валюты
Праздники и выходные
Необходимые номера телефонов
Вечерние развлечения
Еда и напитки
Музеи Аммана
Другие иорданские музеи
Предлагаемые программы
Исламская Иордания
Исламский Амман
Исламская гора Нево
Исламский Карак
Исламское Мертвое море
Иорданская долина
Исламский Салт
Исламский Аджлюн
Исламский Ирбид
Северная Иордания
Замки пустыни
Библейская Иордания
Библейская история
Патриархи в Иордании
Иаков и Исав
Моисей и Исход
Стоянки исхода в Иордании
После Исхода
Илия и Елисей
Новый Завет События
Иоанн и Иисус
Десятиградие в Иордании
Ранние церкви
Эко Иордания
Заповедник Муджиб
Заповедник Дана
Заповедник Шаумари
Вади Рам Флора и Фауна
Заповедник Аджлюн
Заповедник Азрак
Морская жизнь Акабы
Экосистема Вифании
Наблюдение за птицами
Правила для посетителей