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Sinai indeed is a magical area. The stretch of coastline boasts splendid sandy beaches, with colorful mountains as a backdrop and the most fabulous offshore flora and underwater life imaginable. Not only is Sinai a leisure and diving destination, but also has historical significance and some of the most attractive desert scenery possible as well.

After 8,000 years at the heart of history, experience the continuing contrasts. Sinai is where rock meets coral reef and the desert stops at the sea. Where the grandeur of granite meets the golden beaches of the "Red Sea Riviera". Tropical fish and rare birds, spectacular sunsets and clear starry nights.

The strategic location of the Sinai Peninsular at the crossroads of Africa and Asia has made it the gateway to the east for centuries. In the north, the Gulfs of Suez and Aqaba are lined with golden sands, swaying palm trees and bays of clear blue water.

In the south, the towering red mountains are surrounded by deep valleys leading to the Holy Mountain where Moses (pbuh) received "The Ten Commandments".

It was in Sinai that the Pharaohs came in search of gold, copper and turquoise, where Isis sought Osiris, where Moses (pbuh) witnessed the Burning Bush, and where Bedouins camped alongside Crusader forts.

Today the dramatic mountain scenery frames the palm-lined beaches. Here you can relax on immaculate beaches, snorkel in waters rich with rare marine life and exquisite corals while enjoying the exotic experience that Egypt offers.

Tourist Information
Mount Moses
St. Catherines Monastery
Wadi Feiran
Sharm El-Sheikh
Sinai Mount
Hotels in Egypt
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